Indians are famous for being one of the most tolerant people in the world. Yet, there are a few things in every country that travelers need to keep in mind so that they do not offend their newfound friends. While indulging in small talk, you may mistakenly say a few things that a few Indians may not like, and your conversation may go down the drain. Why not give it a read to find out the most offensive phrases that you must refrain from using in India?
Wow! You can speak good English
This one phrase is sufficient to send the Indians back to the colonial era, which they never want to experience. English is an international language nowadays, and you can expect an urban Indian to speak even better English with perfect grammar than their American or British brethren. English is no more a big deal for the Indians now, and the foreigners must accept that fact rather than mocking it or getting shocked at it.
All Indians still have an arranged marriage, don’t they?
Yes, the arranged marriage still happens in India and it is something that the Indians are proud of because the marriages in India are stable. Ask any sensible Indian to have the insights into the pros of arranged marriage, even if it comes with a few cons. Nonetheless, Tinder and Bubble have already arrived in India along with hundreds of other online dating apps and websites. People are becoming increasingly open to love marriage and hook-ups. Don’t be amazed when you find an Indian talking progressively whom you met through a dating site.
Do you still worship cows?
The cows in India have attained a respectable status due to their extensive agricultural uses and peaceful nature. Some people do worship them during festivals and pujas, and the others ignore them. However, the cows are a controversial topic in India, and you must refrain from commenting on it.
Wow! The Indians have become so pretty nowadays!
Yes, Indians are progressing at a high pace, and it is not just the makeup that makes them look beautiful. Indians have genes that bless them with sharp features and good skin, which may have remained hidden for a long time under the veil of poverty, but that was at least 4-5 decades ago. If you travel to India in the 21st century, you don’t have to mention it to the natives that they have suddenly started looking pretty. It sounds really mean; you could just praise someone if you actually find them beautiful.
Is India safe for solo female travelers?
Modern India is witnessing a lot of solo women travelers from all over the world; they research their options well before arriving in India. Just like any other nation, you need to check the safe places in the country where women can wander alone. There is nothing to stereotype the entire country because of a few unfortunate incidents. Whether you are a male or a female, certain dangers are there in every state that you must be aware of. India is no exception.
Do you seek spiritual awakening?
Yes, India is a land of yogis and sadhus, but that does not mean every other Indian looks for spiritual awakening before their life ends. Most of the population in this country comprises of the people who are religiously inclined to their respective faiths, but not all of them want to renounce the world to follow the divine path.
India is indeed a land of complex people, faiths, customs, and habits. When you arrive on this mystical land, forget what you left behind and accept whatever you experience without being judgmental. You never know, you may find new lifetime friends in India.
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