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7 Essential Road Trip tips you should always follow


There is no denying that the lure of the road is probably eternal; it almost seems embedded in our very makeup. There is a richness to traversing the land an inch at a time that is absent from the experience of your daily commute. To get the most of your experience, don’t miss these road trip tips.


  1. Clean your car before and during your trip.

Clean the wrappers and napkins from under your seat. Clean out the receipts from the glove box. As the flotsam and jetsam gets added on during the trip make sure you dump it at a suitable location.



  1. Check your vehicle.

About a week before your trip, have your mechanic check your car’s brakes, tires and anything else that could cause problems. Make sure your spare tire is fully inflated and that you have jumper cables and extra wiper fluid on hand



  1. Have a loose plan.

It’s smart to plot out where you’ll sleep in each night before setting off. Plan so your driving time is eight hours or less per day, but don’t plan anything more than that.



  1. Keep space for detours.

On a road trip, your schedule has extra room, so you can afford to enter a new city with no prior knowledge of what you’ll find. Being relatively clueless has benefits, When you don’t know what to expect at a stop, you can’t possibly be let down by what you discover.



  1. Pack lots of music.

you may bicker over who gets to play their favorite music but put that aux cable to good use throughout the trip.



  1. Carry cash for tolls.

Toll roads can pop up in the most bizarre of places, and their fares might be higher than you expect.

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  1. Bring a spare car key.

It might sound like a no-brainer, but there are some people who have not been so wise.



Now that you have these tips handy, just book your ride on and head out on epic road trip!